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The Side Intrusion & Roof Crush (SIRC) is intended for FMVSS 216 TP-216a-00 (roof crush) and for FMVSS 214 TP-214S-05 (side intrusion) because it can push in both, vertical and horizontal directions.

The SIRC consists of a gantry-type frame with linear guides on which a Pitch and Roll sub-frame slides vertically. Screwed to the frame is the force application and measurement system which has been specially conceived to completely assure that actual measured (and thus controlled) force is totally applied in the vehicle and not partially consumed in frictions and thus unknowingly getting the sample under test. It also protects the actuator (servo-electric or servo-hydraulic) against the high lateral loads arising from the unforeseen large plastic deformations experienced by the sample under load conditions.

Performance of the SIRC test rig:

  • Static force (S1) of 400 kN (limited to 200 kN for roof crush)
  • Stroke of 1000 mm
  • Roll angle ΘX adjustment of 0 ~90° stepless
  • Pitch angle ΘY adjustment of ±15° stepless

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