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Interview with our CEO

Despite the logistic problems encountered to enter Germany (48h negative PCR required), we reached Würzburg to assist the 2020 Safety Week on September 1-3. Once again, we were present both as exhibitors and as speakers. Unfortunatelly this year the attendance of public was very much affected by Covid-19 and we cannot state, as we usualy do, that the event was a success.

The video above was shot at our stand during the Safety Expo. In this interview, Mr. Sanchis gives a short introduction of our company and introduced the partnership with Instron GmbH. 

During the Safety Testing session, Mr. Sanchis and Mr. Krämmer (Sales manager from Instron) made a joint presentation introducing all technical details and configurations possibilities of the different sleds systems available: The right Crash Simulation System for today and tomorow. It’s your Choice! Please do not hesitate to request your copy to .


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