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The most powerful NVH rig is ready for shipment

Our new Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) test rig is ready to leave the house. This unique CVJ-Shafts Advanced NVH and Efficiency 2-Motors In-Line test rig is the most powerful NVH on Earth. It features maximum speeds of 2500 rpm. It can apply 4360 Nm at up to 800 rpm (365 kW) to the shaft when working at overload and, when working in countinuos S1 regime, it can apply 2565 Nm turning at up to 800 rpm (215 kW).

This state-of-the-art equipment carries out tests under real working conditions in which high frequency plunge exitation is excerted on the specimen. It also features our multi-component measurement system, a wireless piezo-electric system that measures the complementary moments seen by the CV Joint.

If you want to learn more about this or any of his Driveline mates, please contact us!


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